The truth will set you free

Not when the government in McCracken County is so corrupt that you sound like a nut-case describing it. However, it can set James and his children free with careful consideration of vast evidence by Justice Christopher Shea Nickell

The book Judicial Center is currently on hold due to the development of the final chapter.

The author, James Samples, was court ordered to take a psychological exam by Hon. Kitchen, who serves in McCracken County – The county, the book Judicial Center discusses vast corruption. The “psychologist” works for the State of Kentucky, and was selected by Hon. Kitchen.

Rapid intervention is required of Kentucky Supreme Court Justice Christopher Shea Nickell

– The psychologist didn’t view James’ claims favorably, regarding vast corruption and multiple false arrests, nor James’ claims of being forced to pay for meth by, Dan Boaz, Meredith Clymer, currently Hon. Deanna Henschel, of the McCracken County Prosecutor’s Office. It seemed far fetched- James has proof that they were using his ex-wife’s boyfriend as a C.I, and failed to keep him clean. Thus trapping James’ children in a meth-house. One they expect James to pay for!- The psychologist didn’t view, favorably, James’ claims of multiple false arrests- James has thoroughly documented many false arrests by attorney Jennifer Peeler, Paducah Police, Officer Travis Counts, Deputy David King,… as they sought to silence James for exposing the harm they caused James and his children.

Rapid intervention is required of Kentucky Supreme Court Justice Christopher Shea Nickell. It is the opinion of James, that Justice Nickell was planted in his position of power over this system that affects so many citizens, so many families.
This book won’t know what God will do with/to Dan Boaz? How will God use Justice Nickell? This book is nearing it’s final chapter. Justice Shea Nickell is needed now more than ever.

James is currently out on a $10,000 bond for falling behind on child-support meth-support in this case while James was seeking asylum overseas. This “psychologist” along with other corrupt officials in McCracken County are seeking to have James sent to Kentucky Correctional Psychiatric Center (KCPC).

James needs to regain his Master Electrician license that he lost when he was forced out of the country. James also needs to rescue his two children that have been trapped in a meth-house for years. James will gladly seek a non-corrupt psychologist to perform an evaluation.